Status Report: May

Sitting … on the couch in the living room.
Listening … to today’s Dividing Line, recorded.
Chuckling … at the newly built snowman at the end of my neighbor’s driveway. It’s holding a cardboard sign that says “May 1st.” Yes, we still have snow. (It even snowed a bit more today.)
Noticing … that snow on the ground and daylight at 10:30 pm when I take the dog out is a strange combination.
Hoping … that the weather forecasts for spring weather (finally!) for the next week will come to pass.
Reading … Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books by Michael Kruger. It’s the best book I’ve read in a while, presenting a model of the canon that I’ve never had explained to me before: the self-authenticating model. This is one I’ll be sure to review when I’m finished because I think you should read it too (mothers of babies and toddlers excepted.)
Thinking … that today my youngest granddaughter gave us evidence of the truth that “every mother’s [daughter] learns to be naughty without book.” She has begun a shrieking tyrant phase. Let’s hope it’s short-lived.
Planning … to babysit the shrieking tyrant all day tomorrow.
Realizing … that I may not have paced myself well this week. Tomorrow might be a long day.
Also planning … to prime the drywall in the kitchen first thing next week. The kitchen reno project is progressing, but I am still without kitchen cupboards or sink. I have a makeshift kitchen in the dining room and I wash my dishes in the bathroom.
Wishing … a blessed May. May your snow be gone and your flowers be bloomed.
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